Frequently Asked Questions
How much are the Shoot Fees that are payable to Branch?
First Question - WHY?
Shoot Fees are the only income for the Branch. The money is spent on items such as training events.
Example if we run a Coaching clinic for Club Coaches the travel expenses of cost of bring National and/or Branch Coaches to the event is met from these funds. If clubs want to see an event held or Branch to meet some expense get your Club rep to bring it to the next meeting and get it approved. It is for us.
Shoot fee payable is $2.00 per person attending Club calendar ABA round that has reasonably completed a round and scores submitted to Branch Score recorder.
How to Pay Monthly or quarterly - by either
Post bank cheque,
Payable to ABA Branch B
Post to 131 Framara Drive Kelso 4815 Qld.
Bank transfer
Acc Name - Australian Bowhunters Association Ltd Branch B - North Queensland
BSB is 654 000 Acc is 64214789
Ref being "Club & Month(s)"

Why Do I need to submit a Calendar each Year?
The Zone receives and corelates all events from all clubs and produces a Branch Calendar and also looks at Invitational and other events to report back to Clubs if two or more clubs want to put the event on the same weekend and work out the best outcome for all.
The Branch will also then decide when to host State and Branch titles that will best fit in with our clubs and other events across the state and nationally.
By nominating when you will be shooting you are locking in the ABA insurance cover for that event, if we don't know about it, you aren't covered.
Club Calendars are to be completed and forwarded to the Branch Secretary by 15th of September for branch to review, contact Clubs to resolve conflict (if exist) and submit to National by 30th September.
What needs to go on calendar?
You only need to nominate when you will be shooting, you do not need to detail program of shoot etc. something as simple as
"Night Shoots every Friday, ABA on first shoot Sunday of month and club shoots every fortnight starting on last Sunday in January to first shoot Sunday in December being Christmas Break up. Invitational to be held first weekend of July in MyClub Inc shoot calendar."
How to Make a Claim for Expenses of Branch
From time to time the Branch may offer assistance to Clubs or Branch personnel such as travel expenses for attending Branch Training Courses or other expenses as offered or agreed to from time to time.
Note the expense must be approved by the Branch prior to the expenditure, once agreed and receipt for expense obtained the Club should go to the "Downloads "page and and get a copy of the "Branch B Reimbursement Claim Form" fill it out in detail and submit a copy of the forms and a copy of all receipts. NOTE - Eftpos receipts are not acceptable, Receipts must be a tax invoice showing Shop details, what has been purchased, Cost of goods & GST component listed separately.
